Balancing the Root Chakra for Security, Purpose and Prosperity in Business

Is your business is stuck, stagnant, and barely seeing consistent growth because of your out-of-balance root chakra?


It's definitely possible. 


Here are some signs your root chakra is out of balance and some simple ways to bring it into balance so that you can start seeing, feeling, and acting the way you want in your business.


Signs of an Unhealthy Root Chakra

  • Feeling Completely Stuck ~ For some reason, your business isn't your passion anymore.  You’re feeling frustrated for the lack of progress and you're not clear on which steps to take next or who to ask for support.


  • Lack Commitment. ~ You start and stop new projects and barely seem to ever stick with one thing. You are always chasing "shiny objects" but never seeing the results that you wished for. 


  • Excessive Fear and Concerns ~ You are constantly waking up with fears and concerns of all the things that could go...
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