Sprinkling Kindness
As a company guided by a passion for humanity and love for empowering women and children we believe that giving back to our community and random acts of kindness – no matter how large or small, make LIFE changing results.
Each month we donate a portion of our proceeds to non-profits, charities, and socially conscious causes that align and impact women and children.
Because, with wisdom and awareness we believe that together, we CAN make a tremendous dent in the world for the greater good.
Here are some of the organizations we’re supporting, and how with your help, we’re making a positive social impact:

Mental Health Alternatives Project
The mission of Mental Health Alternatives is in response to the intense need for mental health support by raising awareness and informing teens and parents of the variety of alternative mental health options available within the community.
Working together with the community and collaboration through events to raise awareness and funds to give teens and parents an opportunity to experience alternative services to support them mentally, physically, and emotionally.

Through financial donations, in-kind contributions, co-sponsored events & campaigns, our partners are a crucial part of helping us amplify women's health and wellness vision to life.
We are grateful for the generous support of businesses that have made our work in empowering, inspiring, and nourishing women's mental, emotional, physical & financial health & wellness possible, past and present, including:

Women Supporting Women!
We are currently excepting partners and collaborators to join our online directory of women-owned businesses. Together we can all grow, expand and change the world. Are you ready to join us?