Balancing the Root Chakra for Security, Purpose and Prosperity in Business

root chakra Jun 09, 2021

Is your business is stuck, stagnant, and barely seeing consistent growth because of your out-of-balance root chakra?


It's definitely possible. 


Here are some signs your root chakra is out of balance and some simple ways to bring it into balance so that you can start seeing, feeling, and acting the way you want in your business.


Signs of an Unhealthy Root Chakra

  • Feeling Completely Stuck ~ For some reason, your business isn't your passion anymore.  You’re feeling frustrated for the lack of progress and you're not clear on which steps to take next or who to ask for support.


  • Lack Commitment. ~ You start and stop new projects and barely seem to ever stick with one thing. You are always chasing "shiny objects" but never seeing the results that you wished for. 


  • Excessive Fear and Concerns ~ You are constantly waking up with fears and concerns of all the things that could go wrong in your business, not landing that next proposal, not attracting enough clients, losing a client, you don’t hit your goals,  unexpected bills, or yet another global pandemic. 


  • Constant Low Back Pain ~ You experience pain in your legs, feet, or lower back or having issues with your colon or lower intestines. 


  • Difficulty Making Connections ~ You struggle with creating strong business relationships with colleagues, employees, or other like-minded business owners.


During a recent mastermind session with one of the Magnificent Mamas Collective Members, l will refer to as Sandy. Sandy was really struggling with her belief in herself, her business, and even her life purpose. She felt that she really was not cut out to be a business owner and didn't think she could continue to go on this way. Her business was barely making any money and certainly not enough for her to live on. 

These beliefs seemed to be a pattern in Sandy's life. Her fear and belief of never making enough money to support her idea of a successful lifestyle kept her in an unhealthy marriage. She couldn't sleep, her health was suffering, and when she wasn't working she was thinking about work. In Sandy's words, her life was crumbling around her. 

In some sense of the words, she was right.

She was not stable in her life or business. We discussed how she may have picked up these behaviors and suggested some ways she could change the patterns to strengthen and support her Root Chakra so she could find the clarity to make decisions and take actions that felt more in alignment with her heart's desires and business growth. 


What is the Root Chakra?

The root chakra is a ball or sphere of energy at the base of your spine. The function of this chakra is to connect to the environment around you, ensuring that you are meeting your basic needs for communal safety and security, and the ability to provide for life's necessities to survive in the world. 

An aspect of feeling safe and secure is your human need for connection. 


The relationships and community that you surround yourself with have a major effect on your root chakra.  The crucial element to feeling supported, loved, and accepted by the people in your inner circle is essential for healthy existence. 


"Money is a crutial element to feeling supported, loved and accepted by the people in your inner circle is essential for a healthy existance."


Another aspect of the root chakra that we must take into consideration is our relationship with money. In our world we exchange money for the energy we put forth into our work and purpose. Money serves us with a sense of security so we can simply pay our bills and meet our basic needs. So in order to feel safe and secure, we need to make enough money to support our lifestyle.  


Balancing the Root Chakra

There are several steps you can implement into your every day to balance the root chakra. Some of the suggestions I will share may seem a little woo-woo for you but do me, your business, and your life a favor and try them out. The way I see it is that you have nothing to lose and everything to gain


Start with the end in mind. If you had a magic wand, what would you want your life to look, feel and be like? Seriously take some time to write out your dreams, goals, and desires. Break them down 30, 60, and 90 days. Creating bite sizes helps to see the achievable milestones and tasks that you can get started on right away. Just taking one step, opens up the gateway to clarity, confidence, and courage.


Ask for Help Humans are designed to help one another. I get it, it's difficult to show your weakness or vulnerability. However, something magical happens when we surrender and ask for help. This opens up opportunities to connect and support on a deeper level. 


Money flows where thought goes ~ If money is causing you so much stress and anxiety take time to create a financial plan that will ease the stress and give you the sense of security you need. Consult with a professional financial advisor or accountant,  develop a budget, create a plan to pay off debt, reducing expenses, ramp up marketing efforts or creating multiple revenue streams, hiring a team, selling assets, etc. Simply create the plan and seeing it in action will give you a feeling of accomplishment and security to live in the life of your dreams.


Splash Red into your Day wear red clothes, decorate with the color red in your home or office, eat red fruits and vegetables. 


Use Crystals ~ carry or crystals and stones in your pocket, bag, or even your bra. I also keep them next to my bed and sometimes under the mattress. Black tourmaline, Obsidian, Smokey Quartz, Hematite, Labradorite, Garnet, Ruby, Carnelian, Red Jasper, and bloodstone are all very grounding and stabilizing stones to help you balance the energy in your root chakra. 


Use & Diffuse Essential Oils such as cedarwood, cloves, patchouli, musk, hyacinth, or sandalwood. 


Spend time with Mother Earth Hug a tree, take a walk barefoot on the beach or in nature.  Listen to the sounds that come from the earth, take a deep breath in to connect to the smells of nature. 


Meditate ~ Meditation is a great way to refocus and center. Try visualizing a clear, vibrant red ball of energy the size of a grapefruit, at the base of your spine, swirling slowly and gracefully, calming and centering you. 


What's Next?

These steps may seem to be too simple to make life changes. I want to encourage you to stay focused, continue to Vibe up by making daily choices to encourage, empower and inspire that will keep you moving towards success and prosperity in your business.

Implement and practices each of these steps over the next 30, 60, and 90 days.  Check-in with yourself to re-evaluate to see how you’re doing.

Stay the course they will work for you and don't forget to share the love with your friends, family, and share your results in the Facebook group with Magnificent Mamas Collective. 


Sending big hugs for your success!




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