5 Steps to Self-Discovery to Heal and Rediscover Your Life Purpose

As spring arrives, it is a beautiful reminder of the new beginnings that await us. It is when nature begins to bloom, and new growth is born. Just like nature, we too can use this time to shed our old selves and invite in new healing and growth.


As a kid, on the first warm weekend, my mom would open all the windows and doors to do a deep spring clean by cleaning the winter out of the house. We worked all day cleaning the windows, and curtains, and changing the bedding. This clean represented a fresh new start for the season. I remember it lifted the mood and changed the energy in the house. Ironically, one of the first steps we take in any of our coaching programs is to encourage a release ritual as a way to clean and clear out what's not working to open up space to allow new behaviors in and to identify what patterns, behaviors, or belief systems are causing you to feel stuck in a rut. 


Spiritual awakening is a beautiful process of self-discovery and transformation. It is a journey of realizing our true nature and purpose in life. It is a process of healing old wounds and shedding old patterns of thought and behavior that no longer serve us.


Many of us have the desire to be happier, feel peace within, or have clarity on our life purpose but for some reason or another, we get caught in a vicious web of self-defeat and self-sabotage. If we want to change we need to implement new habits to create the desired change. 


Here are some of our favorite tips and tools to invite in healing and new beings during this time of spring.


Start a Journal: Writing down your thoughts, feelings, and experiences can help you gain clarity and understanding of yourself. Start by reflecting on your past experiences and how they have shaped you. This can help you identify patterns of behavior and thoughts that may be holding you back. Here are some journaling prompts to help you get started. 

🌟 What am I grateful for in my life right now?

🌟 What are some limiting beliefs that I have been holding onto?

🌟 What fears have been holding me back from pursuing my dreams?

🌟 What are some spiritual practices that I can incorporate into my daily routine?

🌟 What is my vision for my life, and how can I start taking steps toward that vision today?


Meditation: Meditation is a powerful tool for calming the mind and connecting with your inner self. It can help you gain clarity and perspective on your life. Start by setting aside some time each day to meditate. Find a quiet place where you can sit comfortably and focus on your breath.


Practice Forgiveness: Forgiving yourself and others is an essential step towards healing. Holding onto grudges and resentments can keep you stuck in the past. Practice forgiveness by letting go of the past and embracing the present moment.


Connect with Nature: Nature is a powerful healer. Spend time in nature, whether it’s taking a walk in the park, hiking in the mountains, or simply sitting outside in your backyard. Connect with the beauty of nature and allow yourself to be present at the moment.


Seek Support: Seeking support from others can help you feel less alone and more supported during your healing journey. This can be in the form of a therapist, attending some of our workshops, feeling the support of a community, or even a trusted friend or family member.


💫 Remember, healing is a journey, and it takes time and patience. Be gentle with yourself and trust the process. With each step, you will come closer to the life you dream of and the person you were meant to be. Embrace the beauty of spring and allow yourself to bloom and grow.


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