How to stay healthy and fit in your 50's with Coach Lesslee

Hey there Magnificent Mama!

My special guest today is a Health Coach who specializes in helping women over 50 thrive in life, especially in their golden years. For many women, they get stuck taking care of everyone else's needs their entire life and once the kids are all grown up and on their own, she quickly realizes how important it is that she puts her needs first.

Coach Lesslee approaches health with a daily routine beginning with the importance of something as simple as sleep. She not only holds her clients accountable to help them get the results that are looking for, most importantly she has found huge success in her own life with the tips and advice she shares in our interview.

Here are some of the things that Coach Lesslee and I discussed to help you get started living on a path towards a happy and healthier lifestyle.

* As a woman entering her 50's Why you can't ignore HORMONES

* Why a "one size" wellness program does not work for everyone

* What to do when you get off track (like many of us do)

* How Mindset has so much to do with health and how to get out of the rut

 Want to not just survive in life but live the Thrive Life?

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I hope to see you at one of our future events. 

Big hugs, 



More about Leslee & how to find Coach Lesslee

FB Coach Lesslee, private group InsideOut Transformation

Instagram Coach_Lesslee Coach

Lesslee is a certified Fitness Instructor, Lifestyle specialist, Precision Nutrition coach, and Fitness Nutrition coach. As a former binge eater, yo-yo dieter, and sugar addict, she is dedicated to helping men and women of all ages, especially those over 50 achieve a healthier lifestyle through exercise and food balance without ever dieting again.

Weightloss over 50 doesn't have to be hard, you just need to know what to do! Lesslee has cracked the code to help you achieve more energy and vibrant health along with weight wellness. Through her education, life experience, and 10 years of coaching, she has the skills to help you achieve your goals.

If you are looking for another diet, this isn't the program for you, but if you are looking for long-term results and you are ready to do the work, then Coach Lesslee will guide you on your new health journey.

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