A Beacon of Strength and Inspiration

Alison Andrew embodies the very essence of strength and resilience.

Throughout her courageous battle with lymphoma, Alison not only continued to fulfill her role as a Partner at Faw Casson accounting firm, but she also embarked on a remarkable journey of sharing her experiences with the world.

What makes Alison's story truly awe-inspiring is the profound impact it has had on countless individuals, both women and men, who have been touched by her unwavering spirit. In the darkest moments of life, she taught us all to dig deep within ourselves, to find that reservoir of strength we never knew we possessed.

Alison's revelation during her challenging times resonates deeply with everyone who has ever been consumed by the demands of a career. She reminds us that life encompasses so much more than our work; it's about cherishing every moment, even when they are tinged with adversity. As a devoted mother to teenagers, Alison understands the preciousness of every fleeting moment.

Her message is clear and powerful: embrace not only the good but also the bad and indifferent moments, for they all contribute to the tapestry of our existence.

Alison shows us that life is about discovering our purpose and recognizing the profound influence we can have on others. It's about inspiring, encouraging, and empowering those around us to become the best versions of themselves.

Alison's story serves as a beacon of hope, a testament to the indomitable human spirit, and a reminder that we all have the capacity to rise above our challenges and inspire others along the way. She is living proof that even in the face of adversity, we can emerge stronger, wiser, and more determined to make every moment count.

We are grateful to have Alison as one of our She Shines, Mama in Biz members. She shines her light by offering incredible wisdom and support to our community.

Click the link to learn more about Alison Edward  or to learn more about our Mamas in Biz Memberships

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